A Complete Weight
Loss Solution
Welcome to FitBack Reset
At FitBack Reset, a complete assessment of each individual is done and then a customized package is designed as per his or her requirement. By analyzing body composition through parameters like BMI, BMR, fat%, lean%, age, gender, we can understand why you weigh what you weigh, and so we prepare your treatment plan accordingly

Non Surgical Liposuction, also known as non surgical fat removal (lipolysis)

HIFEM is a relaxed and professional way to build muscle and burn fat without harming your health.

The pressotherapy machine, with a set of cloth-like accessory and 20 pieces of air bags

Aerobic exercise will assist in weight loss due to the amount of calories that are burned.

Dietitan Consultation
Our qualified dietitan is ready to help you with all needs
Weight Loss Therapies

Non Surgical Liposuction
Non Surgical Liposuction, also known as non surgical fat removal(lipolysis) is a nonincasive process that destroys extra fatcells in the body using various modern technologies.
The treatment uses 4 heads (technologies)
- Vaccum
- Ultra-Cavitation
- Radiofrequency
- The Lipo Laser
These methods reduce girth and spot fat over almost all areas of the body without surgery, downtime or redness. A typical 40-minute waistline treatment can reduce an individual by ½ to ¾ of an inch while a full protocol of eight treatments usually results in multiple inch loss. Target areas include: Abdomen, Hips, Thighs,Back, Arms and Double Chin
Non-Surgical Liposuction (NSLS) treatment is very effective in:
- Cellulite.
- Body shaping.
- Circumference reduction.
- Simultaneous collagen renewal.
- Skin tightening without any surgery

HIFEM is a relaxed and professional way to build muscle and burn fat without harming your health. Focused magnetic resonance (HIFEM) technology helps you gain muscle and lose fat easily. There is no need for hard exercise, no pain, no sweat, no need to take of clothes, and it is more time-saving and labor saving. You only need to lie down for 30minutes = 30000 times of muscle contraction (30 minutes of abdominal/hip treatment, equivalent to 30000 times of sit ups / squats), so that you can easily lie down to build muscles and reduce fat

The pressotherapy machine, with a set of cloth-like accessory and 20 pieces of air bags, which allows for pressure by cycles or all together for both the whole body and certain parts of the body, is a compression system
designed to increase the venous and lymphatic flow and enhance extra-cellular fluid clearance. It is highly recommended for the treatment of cellulite, which is a safe alternative to liposuction. It relieves pain and swelling, and provides immediate comfort. It redefines the legs, stomach and arms while enhancing skin tone. Benefits include
Aerobic exercise will assist in weight loss due to the amount of calories that are burned. However exercise in general will benefit you more than no exercise at all. The best way to lose weight will be to complete both aerobic and non anaerobic exercise. Increasing your lean muscle mass will help to increase your metabolism which will result in a greater chance for weight loss. Get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity a week, or a combination of moderate and vigorous activity. The guidelines suggest that you spread out this exercise during the course of a week. At FitBack Reset we have dedicated trainer and other facilities to help you in weight loss journey.